At 5 stacks, Thrall is instantly healed for 223 (+4% per level) Health. Anub'arak is an aggressive anti-caster Tank. . Remaining stationary for at least 1. Agile Dismount allows Genji to engage from a larger distance while mounted. Enemy Heroes that die within 1. com to track your stats (have to download a little program that uploads all your replay files and compiles your stats for each hero/map/etc)This tier improves Globe of Annihilation. Level 20. by Torpille updated September 15, 2023. However, his abilities have a delay to be applied, so he will be better in a. (+ 4. Level 7 Talents for Blaze. Massive shove is better if you need to neutralise one target or just to make a fight 4v5. 2. Damage. The green color indicates positive voltage. Rehgar's Lighting Shield Build can be used to increase the survivability of melee Heroes (such as Illidan) by putting Lightning Shield (empowered with various Talents) on them while they are fighting enemy Heroes. Fan Tan Alley is an alley in the Chinatown neighbourhood of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada that is known for being the narrowest commercial street in North America, being. The Grievous Throw build focuses on high damage output on a single target. Wormhole competes with Seeker in the Dark as two of Zeratul's most important Talents. Genji: Unrivalled mobility combined with strong burst ensures that Genji is a nuisance to deal with. C. 0%) If Kerrigan is the Queen of the Zerg, then Zagara is the mother of the brood. LV 1 - You want to take Crash Lighting and harass in most cases midlane to get very high dmg in the late game on your Q and it will also prioritize heroes in teamfight and that is what you want, you want your lighting kill heroes not minions. T. ︎. Jaina's Standard Build is a very versatile and useful Build path to take in every game. Damage. Targeted Excision will allow Stukov to use. Va Deathwing Deckard Dehaka Diablo E. 0. Copy build to clipboard Talent calculator ». Uther's Holy Light Build gives a considerable boost to your healing power and survivability in the late game in the form of sustain healing for your teammates and burst healing for yourself. Damage. 10. Particle Grenade is a Basic Ability that allows Zarya to deal damage from the distance, also useful for poking enemy Heroes who are trying to channel an Objective. 0%) As a child, Thrall served the cruel Aedelas Blackmoore as a slave. 2. Enemies caught in the tunnel will periodically be pushed back. Before I talk about Hotslogs it is important to set the stage and to understand what Hotslogs is actually measuring. It is a good choice when paired with Consuming Fire at Level 1. Abathur Alarak Alexstrasza Ana Anduin Anub'arak Artanis Arthas Auriel Azmodan Blaze Brightwing Cassia Chen Cho Chromie D. 23. If against double support then both Cocoon and Locust Swarm have their perks. In the match history though, you can only see what the team comps were and whether you won or lost, if you want to see what your stats were you'll need to watch the replay or use Hotslogs. Heroes who have access to Knockback effects (like Junkrat with Concussion Mine. Increase damage dealt by 40%. T. But after witnessing King’s Crest fall to his machinations, she was convinced she needed to stand and fight. When the applet starts up you will see an animated schematic of a simple LRC circuit. He may be small, but he made a big difference by warping in a critical pylon during the retaking of Aiur. Archon (Level 10) Tassadar. A Raven. One more minion wave before going to the objective could mean one talent over your opponent. Novem-1454#18. Now he's on tour in the Nexus, ready to break it down, and to continue fighting for what's right. Flailing swipe is very good if you can divide the enemy team in two or if you need to disengage. It has Way of the Wind (greatly increases Samuro's self-sustain and rotation speed), Burning Blade (enhances Samuro's waveclear), and Bladestorm (can be used to clear a wave instantly). C. Li Li: Li Li does not counter you, because she does no damage which hinders your engages. including some of her allies. Atk Speed. By his axe, the orcs will reclaim their rightful glory. The op-amp greatly amplifies the difference between the two inputs, and outputs the result. Anub'arak (Damage Build) Top. Hammer. Focus on positioning yourself properly during fights and don't get caught out of position. Creep Tumor is a strong ability, providing not only buffs to several of her attributes, including attack range and movement speed, but also supplying precious vision throughout the Battleground. Kerrigan should always use her Basic Abilities wisely in order to conserve Mana. Slime. 25 seconds. Ranged Assassin 14 Heroes. Much of his damage from Overkill and Minigun can be interrupted by crowd control, requiring Tychus to rely on careful positioning. ; Abundance should be positioned trying to predict how your team will move in the next 3 seconds and without putting them in danger to get the healing. Diablo is an aggressive Tank. Alarak Kerrigan Valeera Zeratul. Firestarter is a strong Talent that improves Cho's damage potential and self-sustain. ) Posted by u/jmack71 - No votes and 4 comments 2. Shadow Dagger can simply be thought of as a damage-over-time Ability that "spreads" once from the initial target to. Damage. Welcome to our Abilities page for Falstad. With on-demand silence and slows, Stukov is particularly effective. CryptoCrushing Jaws reduces the Armor of Heroes hit by 50 for 3 seconds. Keep an eye on the minimap to always know where your. Under her guiding Light, all who have been touched by the plague of death will be purged by her cleansing flame. Also it is not a measure of strength of a player, It is a comparison of skill between all players. 42, which is one of the fastest in the game so Seasoned Marksman and Giant Killer gives him a higher DPS increase. Some of you probably have seen me around in vs games or tourneys or in the threads I post every few…Ragnaros's Hybrid Build can deal a high amount of burst damage and provides a great amount of self-sustain while laning. Battered Assault (Level 1) Illidan. Azmodan is a caster that revels in long-range assaults and sieging . Phase Shift allows Brightwing to split-soak experience very efficiently while also allowing her to join team fights in time. 6. Learn how to play. You also need to have at least 100 games with that Hero, and need to be listed on the normal HOTS Logs Leaderboard for Hero league. Images will spawn with the same percentage of Health that Samuro has at the. Morales Qhira Rehgar Rexxar Samuro Sonya Stukov The Butcher Varian. Counter-Strike is a good survibability option for him, however, Deadly Charge can. Diablo's Overview. Thirsting Blade fulfils the. Rating Pending. It is characterised by an unusual crescent-shaped targeting. This build is recommended if the enemy team have different ways to deny your Basic Attacks, so you build around dealing with what they feature. As the bravest of probes, Probius is eager to fulfill his purpose in the Nexus. Support 1 Hero. The core strength of the build shows up at level 16; should you have the level 1 quest completed, everytime you. 80 per second. 140. Her unique ability to Stun Structures through Black Arrows and several Map control-oriented Talent choices reward players with a strong macro-oriented approach to the game. The signature Talent of this Build is Feel the Heat at Level 1. The green color indicates positive voltage. Nova: If ahead in levels can one shot Abathur but overall her threat is sneaking behind and killing abathur quickly. Those stats come from HotsLogs, and account for the past 7 days wich means that in order to drop the winrate by 3%, his actual winrate yesterday was seven time lower, aka 67 - 3*7= 46. 25 per second. Mei's Role in the Current Meta. Falstad can find you and kill you very quickly. Secret Weapon / BOOMerang at level 7 and. Dehaka: Top - Effective use of double soaking lane XP is critical. With that said I… Level 20 Talents for Alexstrasza. 2. Ever since Abercrombie the Embalmer unleashed his vile abomination upon Darkshire, Stitches has wandered the road aimlessly, hungering for the flesh of low level Alliance players. Pro Moves is a good Talent that provides D. 11 per second. (+ 4. Damage. Damage dealt by Sylvanas to the initial target spreads Shadow Dagger to all nearby enemies. A playerbase that (generally) lacks basic knowledge in playing Heroes of the Storm. Gluttony is the Talent to go for if you want more teamfight presence. Abathar is bad for QM. Btw after run away you may walk into opponents back and attack them from behind. You just have to be good with predicting movement and landing the. The cavalry's finally here. After 6 seconds without taking damage, you will have 15% more movement speed. C that went Mosh Pit ultimate, though be warned, if you push in the wrong direction it could be fatal. The build heavily relies on hitting enemy heroes in the center of your Dragon's Breath, therefore, having CC on your team and waiting for them to use their abilities will greatly improve. Fenix Gul'dan Imperius Junkrat Kael'thas Kerrigan Samuro Sgt. . Quite frankly the simple hotslogs calculation craps all over this algorithm. In HGC Phase 2 (Link), Genji has a 40% Popularity and a 48% win rate. The gray color indicates ground. If used well, it can be very impactful, but without proper care, it can even harm your team. 95. (+ 4. In addition to that, both Talents. Malfurion's Tips and Tricks. Use Primal Grasp to pull enemies into Impaling Blades' area-of-effect. Zagara is capable of tearing down. Force Wall is an interesting ability. Mana: 80. 73 per second. Johanna is one of the handful of Heroes in the game with no direct counters, and is. . At lvl 10 take Suppression Pulse against AA champs, and Purifier Beam against immobile champs. 0%) Cunning and wise, Dehaka is one of the last surviving pack leaders of the forgotten world of Zerus. As the HOTSlogs Twitter account pointed out, HOTSlogs has a new home. Combat Readiness (to minimize AA dmg during fake openers) Relentless Strikes. Build a talent tree for Nazeebo that you can easily share with your friends. We will provide an update on timing of the hotfix once we get closer to deployment. . 0. 96. I firmly believe at this time that Falstad is the #1 undisputed hero in the whole roster to carry quick matches with. 5% of their maximum Health. Hook is a Basic Ability that allows Stitches to briefly Stun and Displace towards him the first enemy hit from high distance. Each enemy Hero pulled reduces its cooldown by 12 seconds. Level 7. 0%) Maiev Shadowsong stood watch over the imprisoned Betrayer for ten thousand years, and hunted him relentlessly after he was released. For the first second, Valeera is Unrevealable and can pass through other units. 74 per second. 5 seconds. The debuff comes from Mind-Numbing Agent at Level 7 and can be applied in two ways: via Basic Attacks, when safe to do so, or via Sleep Dart, thanks to Overdose at Level 4. Incinerate damages enemies around Deathwing and Onslaught allows him to lunge at enemies. Learn how to play Kharazim using this HotS build crafted by Leleo Norris. Hammer. 1. Innervate on Mana-hungry Heroes, notably, casters such as Kael'thas or Jaina, who can not function without Mana. Each Chaos consumed increases Orphea's Spell Power by 3%, up to 30%. Each time you deal damage by using. (+ 4. Build a talent tree for Hogger that you can easily share with your friends. Now, he takes his place amongst legends. Mana: 75. Mei is a Tank that excels at punishing enemy Heroes who lack mobility to play around her Slows. 62. Anti-Magic Shell (Level 20) Arthas. Cooldown: 12 seconds. However, Kael'thas is the definition of "glass-cannon"; his low maximum health and total lack of mobility leave him completely exposed to enemy. Further, it also focuses on. ; Choose your targets wisely when playing Genji. While Bone Armor is active, nearby enemies are Slowed by 35% for 1 second. The extra range makes you able to interrupt enemy. Suppressive Fire (Level 7) Blaze. Impale (Q) Anub'arak. Atk Speed. Greed is the best pick when going for a siege type of build on Azmodan. Damage. Cihad Çağırır! For The Light! Thick Armor with Sunglasses at night. Now, she soars across the Nexus, protecting life wherever she finds it. Va Gazlowe Imperius Malthael Rexxar Thrall Yrel. Blaze. Let's play Falstad today, and go for a build that according to Hotslogs, has the lowest winrate! Can we still have some kind of impact with it? Let's find ou. Transform into Demon Form at the target location, dealing 46 (+4% per level) damage in the area. 5Head Stun Build. Reduces the activation time for Tailwind from 6 to 3 seconds, and increases the Movement Speed bonus from 15% to 25%. He has been betrayed, shot into space, resurrected and infested, almost cured, and then experimented upon as the infestation returned. Meta Trait [T3312223,Orphea] Probius (No idea, not meta, I. This Talent synergizes very well with the rest of the Steel Trap -based Talents and is a must pick for the Steel Trap Build. C. HOTSlogs was the best but the previous owners killed the site for a while and heroes profile filled the void and improved from there. Pull the first enemy hit towards Stitches and deal 91 (+4% per level) damage. Activate to place Kerrigan in a Chrysalis with 750 (+4% per level) Health for 5 seconds. Build a talent tree for Tassadar that you can easily share with your friends. . The roar of her siege tank's shock cannon strikes fear right into the heart of the toughest of warriors. Va Deathwing Deckard Dehaka Diablo E. Falstad is classified as Medium difficulty to play, do you agree? Abathur Alarak Alexstrasza Ana Anduin Anub'arak Artanis Arthas Auriel Azmodan Blaze Brightwing Cassia Chen Cho Chromie D. Build a talent tree for Imperius that you can easily share with your friends. Warp In Pylon (D) Probius. With multiple crowd control Abilities that also displace his opponents, he excels at setting up and peeling for his teammates, and punishing poor positioning. Lunara's Overview. Frostwolf Resilience provides Thrall with a solid amount of sustain, a characteristic that is important to have on an Offlaner. 55. Vote your favorite Falstad counters. Find and create build guides for your favorite hero using our guide creator and build tools. 5 seconds after it ends. Zarya's Basic Attacks Build boosts her damage from melee distance by empowering her Basic Attacks, which will deal even more damage at high Energy . C. 80. Thick Skin is a good choice to improve your ability to trade against Basic Attack-reliant Heroes. The effect provided by this Talent can be used to kite enemy Heroes and occasionally catch fleeing Heroes, if they lack mobility tools. As a squishy Melee Assassin, he relies on these to take damage for him. Damage. Taking Rejuvenation at level 1 allows you to remain aggressive since you don't have to worry about putting a Regrowth on yourself. And now the ARPG Vault has reached the 10,000 member milestone and is hosting a giveaway! Icy Veins Jul 02, 2023 at 12:29 by Staff. Life Tap combined with Drain Life allows Gul'dan to have some of the best overall self-sustain in the game, as he can very quickly. She now vows to protect the innocent – as a Hero of the Nexus!Garrosh's Bloodthirst Build gives him more survivability while also reducing the damage and healing done by enemy Heroes, allowing him to easily out-trade the enemy team. Magic Missiles (Q) Li-Ming. Her defining elements are her immense single-target damage output and self sustain. Vehicle reservation. Falstad Fenix Gall Garrosh Gazlowe Genji Greymane Gul'dan Hanzo Hogger Illidan Imperius Jaina Johanna Junkrat Kael'thas Kel'Thuzad Kerrigan Kharazim Leoric Li Li Li-Ming Lt. Falstad's popularity on the HotS ladder based on Heroes. Gul'dan's Overview. Damage. Damage. Each Murloc deals 125 (+4% per level) damage and slows its target by 15% for 5 seconds. Suppressive Fire is a strong Talent that reduces the Spell Damage of enemy Heroes hit with Flame Stream by 25% per stream, up to 50% damage reduction. 180. 82. Ritual of Life is a strong Talent that makes Life-Binder heal three times, effectively making Alexstrasza and another Hero in your team very hard to kill for 6 seconds. He's seen his fair share of battles since then, and has never failed to bring the heat. Heroes with reliable Blinds (such as Li Li 's Blinding Wind) also severely hinder Zul'jin's effectiveness in battle. Greymane's Overview. Fan of Knives is Maiev's main sustain area of effect damage tool. Falstad has an attack speed of 1. 90. While she searches, she gets by as a bounty hunter a – job she loathes, despite her exceptional skill. Cannot use their Heroic Ability. Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes grant 5 Mana and reduce the cooldown of Spider Mines by 1. We’re very excited to bring HOTSlogs back up to date as it has been our go-to tool for. Tychus. Death Wish is a good Talent that allows Garrosh to reset the cooldown of Warlord's Challenge after taking down an enemy Hero while also increasing the Taunt duration from 2 to 2. Falstad: Balance Patch History; HOTSlogs. Keep Regrowth on multiple high-priority Heroes, even if they are at full Health. Zeratul: If he knows where you are and he has double bombs prepare yourself for some pain. Combination with the later Talents turns Mephisto into a Hero with strong burst capabilities. Build: Stalker and hero killer - Team Fight. Gain 25 Armor while El'druin's Might is active, and for 3 seconds after teleporting. Gazlowe is a Bruiser that excels at controlling the space around him, sieging, and painlessly claiming Mercenary Camps. Tassadar is a Ranged Assassin with good damage output from high range. T. 1. After level 16, Zul'jin completely negates enemy armor,. While Talents like Cleansing Touch or Way of the Hundred Fists are hard to use correctly, they will be good in every match when used properly. Healing Totem (Level 4) Rehgar. I really dislike dealing with him. 1. Minigun passively grants Tychus an Attack Speed of 4. Deathwing. Spirit of Arachyr is a strong Talent that increases the number of Spiders generated by Corpse Spiders . Builds & Guides Abilities. T. Level 16 Talents for Azmodan. Cho, differently from all the other Heroes in the game, occupies 2 slots in a composition, greatly reducing the flexibility in the draft. Deal 210 (+4% per level) damage to enemies who are already Slimed. Learn how to play Abathur using this HotS build crafted by BattlePuppy Falstad is a very mobile assassin with a little bit more difficult kit then most ranged assassins. Va Deathwing Deckard Dehaka Diablo E. 84. 0%) Once the carefree youngest scion of the Shimada clan, Genji was cut down by his own brother for refusing to take part in their illegal ventures. . In secret, he had resolved to end the Eternal Conflict by becoming a Reaper of Souls and eliminating everything affected by demonic corruption, including humanity. The Skull Missile build focuses on buffing up Mephisto's Skull Missile. That's an important difference especially when considering the accuracy of mmr on hotslogs, which is going to be considerably less accurate. Cleave. Both Swift Strike and Cyber Agility can be cast to cross Walls and other impassable terrain. 00 per second. 44. This can occur once every 6 seconds against each enemy Hero, but is also refreshed when they are Slept by Night Rush. Atk Speed. Atk Speed. Kharazim's Radiant Dash Build relies on both outstanding mobility and good gameplay. The survivability comes in the form of healing when hitting enemy Heroes with Bloodthirst empowered with multiple Talents, including Seasoned Soldier at Level 16 that. Builds & Guides Abilities & Talents Discussion. Mei. Cooldown: 12 seconds. Freeze them to death! Learn how to play Mei in Heroes of the Storm with build guides. Take this into account when placing Impaling Blades. Hogger's Staggering Blow Build allows you to deal a high amount of damage to enemy Heroes when fighting them in melee range, which makes it the best choices for when you need to dive with Hoardapult. At level 1 you can choose to have a good presence in early teamfights through Battered Assault, to be. If Corpse Spiders' jar hits only one enemy, it creates an additional spider. Relentless Strikes at Level 4 will allow Valeera to cast Sinister strike more regularly and Mutilate at Level 7 will vastly increase Sinister Strike's overall damage. T. If you are not sure what to pick and/or ban while playing, we have the Tier List appropriate for you. In fact I'm only rank 28 (have a few hundred games played). General Discussion. Secondary targets hit by Revolving Sweep's swing are Slowed by 40% for 3 seconds. This Talent will be better than Big As in situations where the enemy team consists of dive Heroes. 098) Atk Speed. ︎. Viscous Acid (Level 7) Zagara. 25 per second. Slime is Murky's bread and butter. 261. . Damage. Level 14 Talents for Chromie. His displacement Abilities are double-edged, however, and can help opponents more than hinder them when misused. 2. Might be fun to share those again if we can find them, since the site is shutting down. The combination of Shield Battery at Level 4 and Force of Will at Level 16 makes Artanis hard to take down. Impale. Atk Speed. Level 10. Cooldown: 0. Atk Speed. After manipulating the prince into purging Stratholme of life, he finally fell to Frostmourne as Arthas's first act as the Lich King's champion. Permanent Cloak, in combination with Blink, gives. Misha, Charge! is by far the most impactful Ability when playing as Rexxar. Penetrating Round fulfills a variety of purposes. Reduce the duration of Stuns, Roots, and Slows against Sonya by 50%. So if a Falstad is in a game with Xul and Nova on his team and gets 2k less hero damage than the nova and 5k less siege damage than the Xul, he's put in a massive effort in both PvP AND PvE and. Find the best HotS Falstad build and learn Falstad's abilities, talents, and strategy. 물론 그와 별개로, 제라툴과 노바의 승률 자체는 2016년 4월 기준 중하위권에 머무르고 있기 때문에 이 두 영웅이 적으로 등장하는 경우에도 50%. Gul'dan's Overview. As the new Highlord of the Tal'darim, Alarak leads his people to a destiny free of the corrupt influence of the fallen xel'naga, Amon. It is extremely efficient at destroying things that require a flat amount of attacks, like Spider Mines, Chests on Blackheart's Bay , and Cocoon. 2. Explore Azmodan’s abilities including: combat trait, base abilities, heroic abilities, and abilities gained through talents. Gazlowe: Only clear consensus is Miniature Black Hole. Abathur Alarak Alexstrasza Ana Anduin Anub'arak Artanis Arthas Auriel Azmodan Blaze Brightwing Cassia Chen Cho Chromie D. Falstad Build: Basic Attack Build Level 1 Level 4 Level 7 Level 10 Level 13 Level 16 Level 20 Threats to Falstad with this build Threat Low High Show all Basic Attack Build Top. Mana: 65. . Anti-Magic Shell is a situational Talent that allows Arthas to survive burst damage in the form of both Spell Damage and percent-based damage. With decent survivability provided by Talents, Gazlowe can easily survive dives while also creating many turrets, being a nuisance for the enemy team. Choose Your Hero. The Bruiser Build is designed to make Yrel a formidable solo laner and—as the name suggests—a Bruiser. Atk Speed. The first time an ally uses a Portal, they gain 30 Armor for 4 seconds, reducing their damage taken by 30%. When the applet starts up you will see an animated schematic of a simple LRC circuit. Although lacking in single-target damage, he is otherwise well-rounded with serviceable area of effect damage output and high survivability, thanks to his large Health pool and dependable self-sustain. Cooldown: 4 seconds. Damage. Dash forward, dealing 190 (+4% per level) damage to all enemies in a line. He is mostly picked for his insane waveclear and zoning for Objective control. Be aware of stealth and global heroes that may try to gank you when body soaking a lane. Globe of Annihilation damages Heroes for an additional 4% of their maximum Health. I'm pretty happy with my talent build, but there's one thing I've…The complete list of played comps is available at Hotslogs. As a fragile Hero with no mobility tools, Nova needs to position safely and always have a retreat path ready. Tracer's Burst Build is a good template to use while approaching each game. Defined by his abnormally large Health pool and Globe of Annihilation Ability, Azmodan is able to scale his damage output beyond that of most other Heroes. 1) My technique for Junkrat is to leave the enemy minion wave a step outside of my tower range. Deal 92 (+4% per level) damage per second and Slow enemies by 20% in an area. 00 per second.